Thursday, March 17, 2005

A New One for Me

St. Patrick's Day - a time to celebrate being Irish. And considering my wife and I could technically be Irish citizens, it is time to celebrate. Normally I would be kicking back some black and tans, or maybe a Smithwicks...and I still might...but with my famous Shepherd's Pie, I needed a wine. While I was searching for wines on my birthday money trip, I found variety I had never heard of - Malbec. I got to try one at the Wine Festival, and was impressed. So tonight, I am cracking open the bottle so I can celebrate...Argentina style.

Wine #7 - 2003 Elsa Malbec - Valentin Bianchi, Argentina.

The aroma of this wine is fantastic. It kind of has a plum and cherry fragrance that is not too heavy. In fact, it is not what I would consider an overpowering wine aroma. The taste fits the smell, which I enjoy. Sometimes you get a big surprise when comparing the two, but these fit. The taste is a little fruity with just a hint of spice. The finish is just right - light and not too dry.

If you are looking for a new type of wine (at least new to me) try a Malbec. And let me recommend this one. I may be sticking with wine over beer tonight...maybe.

PS - $7.89

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